Samir: “Yoooo, Son! I just had the best idea… You know what we should do? Start an agency for the artists we love listening to ourselves!”
Sonja: “You mean, start a business in a line of work that might cease to exist in a few months?”
Samir: “Exactly!
Sonja: “Would you maybe care to explain where this spark of genius is coming from? And where you bought whatever it is you just smoked?”
Samir: “Well, it makes sense if you think about it. We both love this line of work, they say we’re good at it, and we both know the right people, venues, events, and organizations. Plus, neither of us knows how to do anything else…”
Sonja: “Mmmm, you kinda got me there… Let’s do it! On one condition though: we need to represent artists who agree that in a ‘good life’ we dance on open-minded dance floors, we connect with strangers through sound systems, and we share music with love and dedication.”
Samir: “You see?! We already have a name: Good Life!